Private Coaching

Expand Your Energy & Possibilities

Energetic Coaching for Women of Color who want to be wild and free, even in the midst of our current reality.

Let’s be real… 

If you’re reading this, you’re probably someone who’s always danced to your own beat.

Even when others called you weird, too sensitive, too extra, a daydreamer or unrealistic.

You’ve tried to fit into other people’s expectations for your life and career.

You’ve achieved success, but it cost you your physical and mental health.

And now you want to figure out how to have more time and energy to just be yourself and do what you love, either at work or after you leave the office.

My Philosophy & Approach

I call my work “Energetic Coaching.” It’s less about changing your mindset, and more about working with your aura and Human Design. 

It’s about working with your energetic blueprint to create more flow and ease in your life, from the most mundane daily tasks to the major life-changing decisions.

As a Certified Informed Practitioner of Human Design, I have helped 100+ people gain clarity, self-compassion and confidence.

I work from a place of anti-oppression and liberation. I’m here to offer ideas and invitations that challenge the social conditioning and messages that try to limit your potential and inner wisdom.

My Process: At a Glance

Look Within H.E.R.

Honor Your Needs & Desires

Embody Your Inner Wisdom

Release Social Conditioning

While I can coach on anything, here’s what I’m known for:


Finding clarity in your purpose and next steps

Embracing your uniqueness, disability and neurodiversity.  Intersectionality!

Feeling fulfilled in your career

Identifying ways to feel grounded, energized and creative

My Coaching Process

Initial Discovery Call

We’ll discuss where you are now and where you want to be. I’ll determine areas to focus on during our coaching relationship. If we agree that we’re a good fit, we’ll discuss details like investment and next steps.

In-Depth Human Design REAding

We’ll take a deep dive into your Human Design chart to identify your life’s major themes, your energetic gifts and strengths, and growth areas.

Building Your Energetic Toolkit

Twice a month, we’ll meet and co-create a “toolkit” designed to help you build a life and career that supports your unique energy, needs and desires in the present and into the future.

What My Clients Say

Karyn helped me understand more about my Human Design and how I can use it to make decisions for even the simplest areas of my life. I had takeaways after each session that helped me make small shifts and changes. I've learned to listen to my body to make decisions from what I feel like eating, to how I can better survive in the workplace more peacefully. I have a better sense of what impacts my energy, and I am walking away from our time together with skills and tools of how to honor my unique Human Design. I would recommend Karyn to all women of color who are seeking knowledge of how to navigate this world based on their unique energy.

Julandah Y.

Karyn is down to earth and she helps you find the answers within yourself. She has a unique perspective and can relate to Women of Colour. I have a deeper awareness of how I feel about my creative work, what is in alignment and what is not. I have a stronger sense of boundaries and practice expressing them.

Ena H. 

I am more at peace in my business than I was previously. feel more comfortable and confident running it. Karyn is super insightful and picks up on everything.

Sarah K.

When I started working with Karyn I had this big, scary, vague business idea, but I had no idea how to start. After each session that idea became less scary, more detailed, and most of all, achievable. I now have a complete clarity, a detailed plan, and all the tools I need to implement it. The mindset shift that helped me focus and clarify my business idea has spilled over into my personal life. I feel like a freer, more confident version of myself.

Alida L. 

Working with Karyn has transformed how I see myself. It has given me the courage to face my fears, transcend obstacles and to realize that the safety and power I was searching for has always existed in me. I am so happy I took that step - booking that first session. Highly recommended - be open, be brave , we are more than worth it.

Marakesh B.

Karyn is great at focusing on the wins that you do and cheers even the small accomplishments. She helped me find the emotions and words that needed to come out. She held a very safe space for me to get raw and vulnerable. I would recommend her for those needing the support from an outside perspective who can relate it back to the core of your being.

Kristina E. 



This coaching program is a 4-month commitment. Payment plans are available.

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