Career Advice for Reflectors
Career Advice for Each Aura Type
Not a Reflector? No worries. This article is part of a series on job and career advice for each aura type. Find your aura type in the links below to access your customized Human Design career advice.
- Career Advice for Generators
- Career Advice for Manifesting Generators
- Career Advice for Projectors
- Career Advice for Manifestors
The Unconventional Career Path of Reflectors
Let’s be real—capitalism is not designed to support Reflectors. (It’s not really designed to support anyone, but that’s a conversation for another time.) With so much openness and sensitivity in your energy centers, the typical structure of conventional work environments and schedules can feel restrictive and unhealthy for you. In other words, if you don’t feel like you are a Nine-to-Fiver like Dolly Parton, that’s not a coincidence. Don’t let anyone you know, or society at large, make you feel bad for not conforming to a typical job, linear career path.
Being a Reflector doesn’t mean you can’t have a conventional job or career, though. You do have free will, after all and you can do whatever you want in this life. Also, the current economic climate may require you to take on a job in order to pay your bills.
However, it’s important for Reflectors to remember that committing to a career path is a major life decision. When it comes to major life decisions, your strategy revolves around waiting 28 days to gain clarity and avoid disappointment.
Let’s say you are searching for a new job in your chosen career path. First, you may be surprised that you don’t have to do a conventional job search or application process. (See, you’re unconventional.) When you do land a new job, you can use your “wait 28 days” strategy to see if you actually like the job and your work environment. If, after 28 days, you realize you don’t like it, feel free to move on without waiting another 28 days. You can just leave. You’re not obligated to give the conventional two weeks’ notice—unless you choose to offer that courtesy. Seriously!
Now, let’s say you want to pivot to a new industry altogether. That would be considered a major life decision, and in this case you could use your aura’s strategy as well.
Ultimately, the general social rules of applying for dozens of jobs on LinkedIn, staying at the same company or in the same industry until you retire simply don’t apply to your aura type. Embracing that unconventionality can be supportive if you choose to see it that way.
Ideal Job Roles for Reflectors
Reflectors, your ideal career path would honor and support your ever-changing energy levels, and your natural cycles of activity and rest. Your ideal role would also allow you to experience your aura’s need for sampling and being surprised by what you sample. Here are some examples of roles that could support your aura:
Communication is Key
Reflectors have a gift of gab, and can be naturally talkative. There are plenty of different roles that support open and long-form communication. Roles like podcaster, content creator, actor, facilitator, teacher , team leader and hosting could feel freeing and surprisingly supportive to you. In general, any role that allows you to speak freely and as often as you’d like will point you in an aligned direction.
Entrepreneurship, Freelancing or Consulting
Entrepreneurship can be a viable option for Reflectors, but it must be a business model that is sustainable and won’t burn you out. For example, Reflectors can consider being a service provider with a low volume of clients. Reflectors have a natural gift for feeling out what works and doesn’t work for someone or in an environment. Service roles such as designer, coach, auditor and consultant can be a good fit for you.
Reflectors benefit from having a lot of alone time to discharge the energy they take in from the outer world. You also tend to have irregular sleeping patterns. Therefore, working independently, and creating private working hours in order to prepare client deliverables would support your ever-changing energy.
As a service provider, you can take on short-term projects, which can be supportive of your energy levels while also being surprised by the types of transformations you’re able to offer your clients. This role allows you to master your skills while engaging briefly with the unique energy of each client—a great match for your aura type.
Seasonal Employment and Flexible Schedules
You may want to consider what seasons of the year you feel most energized. This can allow you to think outside of the box and create a career path that allows you to take sabbaticals or extended breaks.
For example, a wedding photographer may work during the spring and summer, making enough money to take time off in the fall and winter when there are fewer weddings. Or, a teacher or tutor can work seasonally and take summers off. Or, a flight attendant can work a few days on and afew days off per week, combining flexibility with sampling many new locations and conversations with passengers.
Creating flexibility in your work schedule is key, allowing you to honor your varying energy levels. As mentioned above, whether it’s starting your day at dawn and taking a long midday break or choosing your hours based on your current sleep cycle, what matters is having enough freedom and autonomy to accommodate you.
Completely Unconventional Work
Beyond the norm, Reflectors can also explore alternative ways of earning income. Energy work, body work, healing work, or simply being paid to be present are all options for you. Many Reflectors can tap into their sensitivity, intuition and psychic abilities to pursue unconventional careers that focus on people feeling comfortable in uncomfortable or vulnerable situations. Truly thinking outside the box can create limitless possibilities for you.
Beyond the Aura: Exploring Your Chart
There are several places on your Human Design chart that you can explore to give you guidance for what type of career can fulfill you most.
Here is where you can look:
- Your Profile: In Human Design, your profile indicates your interpersonal and intrapersonal communication style. This can help you narrow down your search. For example, someone with a 1 / 3 profile would probably enjoy autonomous, research-based roles in spaces where trial and error are encouraged, whereas someone with a 4 / 6 profile may enjoy roles where networking and relationship-building are a large part of their duties.
- Your Energy Centers: You can gain deeper understanding into what work suits you and what your career trajectory can look like, as well as what drains and exhausts you, by understanding the relationship of all your centers.
- Your Gates and Channels: Each Human Design gate is like an archetype of energy, with unique characteristics and qualities. For example, someone with Gate 18 or Gate 13 may find themselves gravitating towards roles where they hold space for others and listen to their problems or secrets, while someone with Gate 26 can find success as an influencer or salesperson. The channels that connect one gate from one center to a gate from another center can give you even more insight into your defined energetic characteristics
Take a closer look into what else is in your chart that can point your in an aligned career direction by downloading your own Personalized Human Design Guide from my website.
You can also book a Human Design reading with me to get an in-depth analysis of your chart, as well as intuitive energetic coaching and an actionable game plan for your career path.

Get Your Personalized Human Design Guide
Ready to explore your blueprint to fulfillment and alignment in life and work? Get your Personalized Human Design Guide instantly, and unlock a quick-start analysis of what's in your chart and what that means for you.
Article By
Karyn Paige
Karyn is a mindset coach and certified Informed Practitioner of Human Design. Her work centers the experiences of Women of Color from an intersectional perspective, blending the personal and the professional to imagine the possibilities of a liberated world.
*Disclaimers: Content created for this website may have been assisted by AI, and may contain affiliate links.
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